Intensive In Community (IIC) Servies

Intensive In-Community Service (IIC) is an analytical, focused goal-oriented, and needs-based clinical intervention that addresses the emotional and behavioral challenges of youth with moderate to high needs.
It may be provided in a youth’s home or in an amenable community location by a licensed behavioral health clinician and is intended to stabilize and support the youth and family in an effort to deter more intensive interventions and to support the youth and family in collaboration with the Child Family Team (CFT) or identified support system.
What To Expect
This is a short-term, solution-focused intervention that addresses presenting behaviors resulting in the youth and her/his family/caregiver/guardian gaining insight and improving function at home and in the community. Youth and families are eligible to receive Intensive In-Community Services if they are receiving Care Management, MRSS services, and as part of the Transitional Planning process from OOH treatment back to the community, through the NJ Children’s System of Care.
Interventions Used
The interventions must be contoured to meet the unique needs of the youth, and are reflective of her/his cultural values and norms, and utilize the strengths of the youth and family. The primary objective of the interventions is symptom reduction and individual skill development with the goal of restoring or maintaining the youth’s functioning. IIC clinicians may provide youth and their families with an array of interventions such as psycho-education, negotiation and conflict resolution skill training, effective coping skills development, healthy limit-setting, emotional regulation skills development, stress management, self-care, symptom management, problem-solving skills, and skill-building that enhances self-fulfillment. IIC services incorporate the Nurtured Heart Approach values and principles and are designed to address a specific treatment need(s) as identified by the Child Family Team. IIC providers are expected to be an integral component of Child Family Teams or identified support system.
Treatment is family-driven and youth-specific.
The identified treatment needs are clearly documented in the CFT ISP/ICP/treatment plan, which includes specific therapeutic intervention(s) with benchmarks that achieve goals focusing on the restorative functioning of the youth with the intention of:
Improving youth and family dynamics and functioning;
Preventing/reducing the need for higher intensity behavioral health or substance use treatment ;
Preventing /reducing the need and / or risk for inpatient hospitalization or out of home treatment;
Preserving a youth’s current residence;
Transitioning youth from out –of –home treatment back into the community.

Intensive In-Community Services are short-term with projected time frames of no longer than 3 months.
Therapeutic services are typically provided 1 to 2 hours a week. If continued behavioral health treatment is indicated, the youth and family should be transitioned to community-based supports and services that may include treatment that meets clearly identified needs.
This is what makes AFPC unique.AFPC offers IIC services and outpatient services. Our goal is to create a seamless transition from the IIC therapeutic intervention to outpatient therapeutic services. We believe in the continuum of care amongst our clients and believe that offering IIC services and outpatient services will be of the utmost benefit in decreasing the intensity, duration, and frequency of presenting issues with children and families.